5 Coping Mechanisms You Learned As A Kid That Make You A Worse Adult

5 Coping Mechanisms You Learned As A Kid That Make You A Worse Adult

The people I love, will leave me.

That was the lesson I learned as a kid growing up through two divorces. I loved my dad, John. He left. I loved my adopted dad, Reid. He left. Now as an adult, I know that it wasn’t that simple. There were a lot of variables. But as an 11 year old, it was exactly that simple. Love was dangerous.

I coped with this by building walls. I learned that if I didn’t get too attached to anybody, I wouldn’t get hurt. So that’s what I did. (more…)

The Secret To Leading A Purposeful Life

The Secret To Leading A Purposeful Life

You don’t “discover” your life’s purpose.

It’s not like it’s buried somewhere and It’s up to you to Indiana Jones your way through the jungle to a trap-filled ruins to dig it up, dust it off and hold it above your head in triumph…BEHOLD! !

Purpose isn’t something outside of yourself that you have to be fortunate to stumble across.

Purpose is a choice.

You pick your purpose. (more…)