Just about everything in life is a matter of perspective. You tend to see what you are looking for. So, if you expect the worst, you tend to get the worst. If you expect the best, you get the best. This is a short story I tell when someone is looking at things from a place of scarcity. I use it to start a conversation about how to shift over to abundance.
Shoes For Sale
Many years ago two salesmen were sent by a British shoe manufacturer to Africa to investigate and report back on market potential.
The first salesman sent a telegram back to headquarters with his report,
“Zero potential here – nobody wears shoes.“
The next day, the home office received a message from the second salesman with his report,
“Huge potential here – nobody wears shoes.”
Food for thought
- What would your situation look like from the second salesman’s perspective?
- What opportunity has been created by the situation you are dealing with?
- Where is the huge potential in your situation?
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