by Jeremiah Miller | Clarity, Leadership, Personal Development, Strategy
Nothing is more destructive to a leader than his ego. Our ego is never more present that in an argument.
It’s our ego that insists our idea is the best, that we know the answer, that people just need to do what we say and everything will be good.
It’s our ego that makes us say snarky, sarcastic, cruel things to the people we love the most.
And it’s our ego that makes us get the last word in and do whatever it takes to “win” the argument.
Here’s a secret. You don’t win an argument by being right. You win an argument by being humble and curious. (more…)
by Jeremiah Miller | Clarity, Inspiration, Leadership, Personal Development
Can you believe the Republicans are trying to take away our civil rights?
Can you believe the Democrats are trying to stamp out religion?
Can you believe the UN is trying to govern what we do in the US of A?
Can you believe what THEY are trying to do to us?
I am so sick of these conversations. The people who get the most fired up about politics or current events are the same people who aren’t taking care of their own life. (more…)
by Jeremiah Miller | Clarity, Personal Development, Strategy
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, but the most adaptable.”
~Leon Megginson summarizing Charles Darwin’s book On the Origin of Species.
Your boss, whom you adore, leaves the company and is replaced by someone you don’t know.
Your wife tells you she’s leaving.
You lose your job.
Big changes that shake up our world are a regular, recurring part of life. So why is it so damn hard to respond quickly and move through the change? (more…)
by Jeremiah Miller | Accountability, Clarity, Goals, Leadership, Personal Development, Strategy
This article is for managers, or people who want to be in management.
When I start coaching a manager, I ask them what a really good manager does. They inevitably tell me that good managers put out fires, answer questions, and remove obstacles that get in their employees way. “WRONG!” I tell them. Great coaching huh? (more…)
by Jeremiah Miller | Accountability, Clarity, Inspiration, Personal Development
The people I love, will leave me.
That was the lesson I learned as a kid growing up through two divorces. I loved my dad, John. He left. I loved my adopted dad, Reid. He left. Now as an adult, I know that it wasn’t that simple. There were a lot of variables. But as an 11 year old, it was exactly that simple. Love was dangerous.
I coped with this by building walls. I learned that if I didn’t get too attached to anybody, I wouldn’t get hurt. So that’s what I did. (more…)