The Three Big Lies That Are Keeping You Stuck
You are being lied to.
We all have beliefs that hold us back and keep us from building truly remarkable lives. I call these limiting beliefs.
We pick up some limiting beliefs as children: I’m not a good reader, I’m not very smart, I don’t have a good memory, I’m not a good artist, I’m not pretty.
We pick up some limiting beliefs as adults: I don’t deserve to be loved, I could never quit this job and find something better, I can’t dance, I’m a fraud and it’s just a matter of time before my boss/co-workers/family/friends figure it out.
These beliefs are usually developed over time as we experience failures or emotional trauma. Often, we learn them from other people telling us who we are, and what we can and cannot do.
There are three especially destructive limiting beliefs I’ve noticed in just about every client I’ve coached over the last six years.
I call these the three big lies. (more…)