Overnight Success Isn’t

Overnight Success Isn’t

It felt like a punch to my gut.

Being told you haven’t put in enough work to be successful is a heart-breaker.  Especially when it’s true …

As a Forging Leaders coach I have a commitment to write articles for the website.  I’ve had some challenges and up till now, none of my work has made the cut.

Each week I meet with Jeremiah (Forging Leaders founder, and my mentor), to review what I’ve written and to get feedback.

At our last meeting Jeremiah gave me critical feedback on a couple articles.  He said I explained too much of the story and left nothing for the reader to figure out.  In his own way, he told me my articles are long and boring and that I needed to start from scratch. (more…)

My Box of Needs

My Box of Needs

Last Sunday evening, I was getting myself organized for the week. Planning it out, where I needed to go, what I needed to do.

My son said, “Do you have any days free this week?”

“Buddy, probably not,” I told him. “It is pretty full. Why? What do you need?” I won’t lie. I was kind of dreading the answer.

“I just wanted to hang out with you,” he said.

I keep my life pretty full. Between work, CrossFit training and coaching, self-defense classes, combatives classes etc. – my time gets pretty thin. I try to plan time specifically with the family and kids, but I know I am not always successful. (more…)

Three Simple Steps To Getting Back On Track With Your Fitness

Three Simple Steps To Getting Back On Track With Your Fitness

“In order for man to succeed in life, God provided him with two means, education and physical activity. Not separately, one for the soul and the other for the body, but for the two together. With these two means, man can attain perfection.” ~ Plato

I am constantly reminded in my own life how connected my mind and body are. As my days fill up with work and other stuff, I tend to sacrifice my workouts. See, much of my work, writing, respond to emails, and coaching clients are quantifiable tasks. It’s easy to see if I’ve completed them or not. Skipping a workout, on the other hand, has no immediate visible repercussions.

What I find though, is that instead of my life getting less frantic when I skip my workouts, it becomes more frantic. (more…)

Stop Saving Them: Why You Should Give People The Chance To Fail

Stop Saving Them: Why You Should Give People The Chance To Fail

I don’t want to help my kids anymore.

I used to but now I’m over it.

A few months ago, I was on a bike ride with my two oldest (eleven and nine) and stopped by the creek to hangout and rest. They were tossing rocks and arguing about something or other. Annoyed at the bickering, I bet them $5 that they couldn’t get across the creek and back without getting their feet wet.

“Deal,” they said. (more…)

Asking For Accountability

Asking For Accountability


As if there weren’t enough people holding my feet to the fire, now my grade-school aged kids are doing it.

I asked them to.

The other day I was driving from the gym home and I started noticing how many people were texting while they were driving. I counted. In a seven mile drive I counted 15 people typing on their phones or reading while they were driving. There was a 16th woman who appeared to be watching a video her friend was holding for her as she drove. I didn’t count her.

I am not judging these people. I do it all the time..

My wife calls me out on it. She pointed out that the kids see me do it and soon they will be driving. They are learning by watching. I decided I wanted to change my behaviors. (more…)