James Bond Drives a Subaru

James Bond Drives a Subaru

When I was in high school I wanted to grow up to be James Bond.

Well, James Bond the businessman: In shape, sharply dressed, and pulling up to meet clients in an exotic sports car.

 Forty-five days ago the last piece of my boyhood dream came true, I bought that car.

The whole experience of buying was incredible and turning heads on Las Vegas Boulevard was even better. This was a reward for my hard work. I had finally made it.

I’ve owned the car for six weeks and it’s been in the shop half the time. Today a tow truck arrived to haul it away yet again. The dealer can’t tell me what is wrong, let alone when my car will return home. (more…)

Trading Awesome for Acceptable

Trading Awesome for Acceptable

I have it all figured out. I know the ingredients in the secret sauce.

At least I have it figured out for me anyway. At least for now.

At 40 years old, I finally think I know what is best for me. I have found what seems to work best for my fitness and nutrition. I know what seems to be the best way to protect myself. A few months back, I made a list of skills that I think a human should be able to do. It included things that I am already skilled at, fighting and physical training. It also included things I wanted to learn like playing an instrument and hunting and butchering an animal.
