The Three Stonecutters

One of the best things about being a leader is also something that most leaders miss out on. Is that you get to help people see that their work has a greater purpose, that THEY have a greater purpose. This video tells a story about one man who understands the power of purpose.

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What’s Your Alcatraz?

We don’t serve anybody by playing small. In order to live the remarkable lives we were meant to live, we must push outside of our comfort zones. This year, my impossible goal is to swim Alcatraz.

Why I Do This

Each of us has an important, unique contribution to make to the world. The path we take to find our purpose is often a difficult road, full of failures and struggles. This video describes how I discovered my purpose and why it is important to me.

10 Bad Habits of Busy People

Many people spend their days at work reacting to things that happen, putting out fires, and being busy without being effective.

In this video, I tell you why being busy isn’t a badge of honor, but actually an insult.

I also contrast the habits of busy people with those of intentional people.

If you want to be more effective and productive, this video is a great place to start.

This Too Shall Pass

This Too Shall Pass

It’s human nature to get cocky when you’re on a winning streak and to get discouraged when you’re losing. Each of these is a problem if you let it go unchecked.

When you’re cocky, you tend to lose focus and allow yourself to get distracted. You also believe that continued success is inevitable, so you stop planning and you stop preparing. We’ve all seen overconfident teams who lose focus, lower the intensity of their practices, and get beaten by the underdog. (more…)